All SUP (Stand-up Paddleboard) classes are Faith-based unless otherwise specified or requested.

Paddle Basics: This class teaches you basic paddling techniques, safety guidelines, knowledge of equipment and more! We jokingly say that I could "put myself out of business" with this class, as I set you up for a paddleboard lifestyle---you may never "need" me again...but if you want to to deeper and get better, I have other offerings for you!
Truly, I have had multiple students say that they have not been taught the right techniques, the ones that make standup paddleboarding a full body experience that is safe, until they take my class. Why waste your money on a rental falling off your board and wearing out your shoulders?
THIS is why Paddle Basics exists.

SUP Yoga*:
Maybe you practice yoga regularly...but wait 'til you try it on your SUP. Prepare to have your body and your yoga experience ROCKED. And come on---there is nothing like the experience of water, earth, sky, trees, birdsong, and creation all around you to enhance your yoga practice and your time with God!
Advanced Techniques*: Just like it says. You want to go beyond just being able to manage your board with real technique? This is your class.
Paddle Fitness*: This class incorporates techniques to enhance your regular workout a fun way! Paddling drills, yoga, traditional calisthenics-type movement...just because we can! And oh yeah, any time you get hot, just jump in the water! *Any class beyond Paddle Basics has a pre-requisite that Paddle Basics has been attended, or that the participant has demonstrated their skills to the instructor at a prior time.
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