As of 2020 life changes and the pandemic, classes through Vessels of Clay Yoga and SUP Fitness are typically by appointment only (aka, private classes or lessons, corporate retreats, or limited series offerings).
And as always, stay tuned for Pop-up yoga opportunities and times when Robyn will be subbing at other studios (by following Robyn and VOCYSupFitness on social media and/or signing up for the Newsletter)
Remember that you can always reach out directly to schedule your own private class, lesson, or consult for Yoga or Paddleboard or Nutrition help! Private lessons and consults ARE happening.
Plus, during the pandemic lockdown, much online content and livestream yoga classes was created and posted, so please visit here so that you can join in the fun!
There is a small transaction fee for credit card purchases.
To book your spot in any special yoga or paddleboard events, please CLICK HERE for the booking/online purchasing page.
(the following is information in regards to pre-pandemic offerings. The information has been kept here for the description of classes, in the event that some regularly scheduled classes may return, and for descriptions of Paddleboard classes.)

Offering several Yahweh Yoga style (Faith-filled, Christ-focused) yoga classes in Southwest Missouri region...
Previously classes have been held at:
Remember that you each out to book your own private class, lesson, or consult for Yoga or Paddleboard or Nutrition.
If you have a church in the Southwest Missouri region that you would like to nominate for potential to hold workshops. short term series, or ongoing classes, please message me asap.
Class Descriptions:
For DETAILED descriptions and pictures of YOGA classes, please CLICK HERE.
For descriptions of Paddleboard/ SUP yoga classes, please CLICK HERE.

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