Being a business in the Midwest, and being a business that is about honoring people's real lives...there are times when class cancellations may happen due to weather issues, emergency issues, health issues, etc. We avoid cancelling as much as possible, but sometimes, it just has to happen based on those real life parameters. So, for the benefit and info of all, here is the Vessels of Clay Yoga Cancellation Policy: Winter Weather: If local schools are closed for Winter Weather, our classes will be cancelled as well---ESPECIALLY in the case of morning classes. If it is the odd situation where road conditions and weather were heinous only in the morning, but the sun shines high and bright throughout the day and road are declared clear by MODOT by mid-afternoon, there IS a chance that classes could go on as scheduled.
In those situations, and situations in which school was let out early, please be sure to check cell phones for group texts and the facebook page for announcements.
How do class cancellations affect memberships?
If a class is cancelled due to Winter Weather or Teacher Illness or Personal Emergency, Flex Card/Unlimited Monthly membership holders will have their cards extended one day. NOT ALL YOGA STUDIOS HAVE THIS POLICY. Many just consider it a part of an all-inclusive membership---but I think it is the right thing to do. If you have purchased a 28 day membership, it should be good for 28 days.
That said, they are generally calendar days. Currently with the diversity of classes and locations that I (Robyn Hurst, Owner/CEO) teach, there are ways to still get classes in on a "non-regular" day of class, even if that means going to a location that is not your usual location. Feel free to ask for more information regarding that!
If class is cancelled due to a "lack of students" rare occasion, that class is just a missed class for all members. If there is one and only one person able to attend class, and I know ahead of time, I will extend THAT person's membership card---
for the rest of the usual class, it would be as any other day in which they were planning to miss class. We all have lives, I get it! No worries. Don't ever feel bad if you have to miss class, on my account; I am so not judging you! (but if you feel sad because you don't like missing it, I definitely understand! Once you realize you need your yoga, well....you need your yoga fix!)
If I do not know ahead of time that only one person is able to come to class that day, and both I and the one student arrive at the class location, it will be decided between us at that time how to proceed, based on the fact that we have already made the effort to be there. (It has gone various ways in the past---and I am usually in favor of whatever the student wants)
As a general rule, however, the reason that a teacher might not teach a one-person class would have to do with the fact that that can become more of a private lesson, and is usually charged a different rate. Just wanting to be fair to all parties!
Feel free to email me with any questions regarding this policy. =-) Back to the Main Page