I lost 3 important-to-me things in one week recently.
I lost 3 important things, and let me just tell you, they were good-and-lost.
Funny thing, though--somewhere on my journey in past years, I learned that I could ask God to return to me what had been lost, in His timing. I have tried Him on it*. He has proven Himself many times over.
Sure, His timing and mine are not always on the same page, but you know what IS the same?
My joy, awe, and praise when that "something" returns.
Granted, it sometimes gets expressed with a chuckle, but I still give praise and feel joy.
So when I lost those 3 important-to-me things, after a bit of fruitless searching, I literally said "Lord, please return __x__ to me in Your Timing."
And amazingly, He did so...AGAIN. (and with only a few days wait on each item, so SCORE!)
What's my point?
I guess just a mixture of something about Trusting Him, Letting Go of stuff and outcomes, and letting Him shine Light into our darkness.
I am sure if I sat here long enough, I could make that look and sound really profound, but I think you get the gist.
I have some other "stuff" I need to entrust to Him. In fact, sometimes life on earth can make me feel a bit lost myself, if I get caught up in it. But if I were say, camping, and I got lost, what might I do? Grab a compass. Hopefully a map.
I can do that with God, too. He's my True North. He's my center. His Word is my map.
And guess what? He has some words to say about being FOUND:
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.-- Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV)
I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes...Jeremiah 29:14 (NASB)
When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.
“Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” God’s Decree. “I’ll turn things around for you.--Jeremiah 29:13-14 (MSG)

So, I dunno. Take from that what you will. I don't mean to act as if I am super-wise, I mean...did you see the parts above where I said:
(1) I lost 3 things in one week, and
(2) sometimes I can feel lost myself?
But I WILL say this: I know what I need to do when I need to GET FOUND.
I go to my Compass, and I go to my Road Map (and it happens anywhere: bedroom floor, yoga mat, standup paddleboard, workplace bathroom...)
I seek Him in Faith that He hears me, even when I don't feel it..because my feelings don't change the Truth, and my Faith can move mountains.
And apparently on occasion, also lost items.
Need some REAL wisdom thoughts?
James 1:5-- If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Psalm 119:105--Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path.
*The Bible also has some words about Testing or Trying God. I don't mean to use that phrase lightly and kick up a hornet's nest. Malachi 3:10 is the place where God says to test Him, but he is referring to tithing. There are several Scriptures where we are told not to test or try = God. That being said, I guess by saying that I tried God on the whole "asking for stuff to be returned" thing is really saying, I knew in Faith that God's Will for me is good, and if those items were needed and important, He would return them. There are probably several things that have never been returned to me that I don't even miss...and God knew they weren't that important. So the point really has to do with Faith. Check out Mark 11:23 and James 1:6 about that. I think that if my motive had been to test God, the outcome might be different. My motive was more about letting go of unnecessary anxiety and giving God that anxiety according to His Word, and standing in faith that He cares about me.
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