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Dear Diary…
Just kidding.
But seriously.
It has been too long since I have written something meaningful & helpful. Please pardon me while I blame being a full-time student, part-time teacher who also still sings professionally occasionally and teaches some yoga on the side? 😉
Cue old-timey newscasting music- doo-doot-doo doo doot doo doot,
because THIS JUST IN—
Y’all I just wrote a nice, long, meaningful post about everything I did this summer, including my study trip to Europe (France and Italy) and how I took care of myself there and when I returned…and what I am doing now…
And it WAS good stuff.
But I stopped to enjoy dinner with my husband, and I watched something meaningful on tv that put some things into perspective again---and I just don’t want to cost you more time or sound like a commercial with the affiliate links I was also going to share because they are related to my reality.
They might be helpful for you, but I don’t want you to think that is the only reason I reach out. It’s totally not. And life in today’s world is hard enough, and inflation is challenging, and we are all just trying to use our monetary and physical resources well---and we get inundated with messages online & through social media about everything we “need”.
I don’t want to do that to you today. Even if it comes from a genuine place in my heart.
-If you want to know about my trip to Europe, or
-If you want to know how I, as a 40-something certified fitness and nutrition professional who-has-seen-some-seasons-of-life (and injuries) now take care of myself, and what I recommend to others for long-term health and fitness-
(and fyi, my self-care is likely different from yours, but that’s because we are individuals and we should look at it individually), or
-If you want to know about some special deals on programs and things I support that are time-sensitive or happening soon, or
-even if you just want to know about language learning,
Reply to this/reach out to me.
I can just copy/paste what I had written—we don’t even have to talk about your goals or anything where you might feel like you owe me a conversation.
NOPE. Zero expectations here.
Then you can read and scroll to your heart’s content without bother.
Not capitalism. (aka, does anyone else feel like everything we see is marketing?)
I hope you can get some rest from your labor this weekend, whatever it is, in whatever form that helps you feel alive and come back to center.
I will sneak in the fact that I do recommend something in your life that is low-impact and anti-inflammatory (movement and food), in some measure, even if it is not your “full deal”---and only because those things are life-restoring!
(but you can ask me more about that, too, if you want. Again, zero expectations. And guess what? I am also not about dogmatic regimens. Everything has a season and needs to have a reason). And I will give you these links to the starting posts of my “countdown to Europe” series here
and “Living the Saint-Malo life” series here on Instagram to scroll and view at your leisure.
Because maybe it is fun, and it gives you the real me. Not just “some advocate”.
And I always want to be real with you.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend, wherever you are.
little robyn
(getting that course certification! Génial!)
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